I just discovered this site and I am absolutely stunned about how beautiful and well thought out it is. Thought Hubski would like it as well.

Follow blogs and people (some blogs have multiple people writing for them)

No comments at the end, instead the ability to add notes to specific words and paragraphs, these notes are private until the author makes them public.

It encourages long responses to the article at the end of the blog by having a form that lets you post a new blog on your page as a "Response to the post", and at the end of each post a there is a list of top responses.

And then there is highlighting for when you want to let the author know you appreciated a bit without having to write out a comment.

And there is a collaborative draft mode (that I haven't looked into) that allows readers to make comments on a post in progress and then those readers get credited after the blog is posted

I am freaking out over here about how awesome this is.


Medium is no stranger here: https://hubski.com/domain?id=medium.com

As for blogs I like, Cedar check out Brainpickings: https://hubski.com/domain?id=brainpickings.org

posted 3206 days ago