Since it appears this wonderful site is big on sharing, and big on sharing music (be it one's own or someone else's), I'd thought I'd join in and partake in said activity. I'd like to share my collection, from tracks from my childhood to songs I've just discovered. I'll be posting music in a semi-random fashion, and try to include lyrics and what the song means to me. I'll only be able to post if it's on Youtube or elsewhere, of course, so I may not always be able to find the track (or find a version that isn't blocked in your country). I'll do my best!

I've tried this before with individual people (emailing them a song a day, or making compilation CDs), but I think this website gives me a nice opportunity to try it at large. My range, for those who'd like to follow along, goes from Metal to Ska and back again, so there should be at least a bit of variety for anyone.

But to begin with this... er, song... um...

Okay, this one isn't a song, but I want to start here because it's an intro track, and because it works as an intro to my collection. You could put this at the beginning of any playlist. Had a stressful day, need to unwind? Then

It's time to relax, and you know what that means: a glass of wine, your favorite easy chair, and of course, this compact disc playing on your home stereo. So go on and indulge yourself. That's right: kick off your shoes, put your feet up; lean back and just enjoy the melodies. After all, music soothes even the savage beast.

Real music music starts next time. But this counts as music for the tag. Right? Right?

posted 3207 days ago