I'm not saying to go over there or anything. Well, I mean you probably are. In my three days at hubski I have really liked it here, I like this structure. Reddit feels weird now that I have been away from it, it's like going back to your high school after you graduate, just weird.

I just spent about 30 mins over at Voat. It's also weird, kinda like going back to your high school but somethings different, but overall still feels the same.

I can say with confidence that I will be using both sites, probably more mindless self indulgence (v/WTF, v/gifs, etc...) over at voat. But I think real things will come here...


I'm glad you enjoy your time here hanszyme. People are probably sick of me saying it, but I don't eat at just one restaurant, why would I visit just one aggregator? There are a number of them out there and ideally, each would scratch a different itch.

As you can tell, we didn't create Hubski to be a reddit clone, we created it to be something that didn't previously exist, something worth creating. Time will tell if we can sustain this.... The more I get to talk with you and others that are coming over from reddit, the more convinced I am that we can.

posted 3209 days ago