So I've recently been reading up on Sen no Rikyu and his tea ceremony, and it got me thinking about my own, albeit less spiritual, routine for brewing coffee. I'm interested in how you Hubskiers prefer to brew your beverages; be they coffee, tea, beer, or anything else! Please give a brief explanation of your techniques and how you came about brewing the way you do!

Cheers! :)


I put boiling water into a mocha pot, then set it on a medium to low heat. I then collect the first two teaspoons of espresso and mix it with two teaspoons of sugar. I then whisk the mixture into a nice froth.

By now the mocha pot should be done, I make sure to remove from heat before balding (when the beans are burnt, the colouration of the coffee is off).

Then I mix the two, let the foam rise to the top, and serve in an demitasse

posted 3216 days ago