If it’s cheating on your wife to watch while another woman performs sexually in front of you, then why isn’t it cheating to watch while the same sort of spectacle unfolds on your laptop or TV? Isn’t the man who uses hard-core pornography already betraying his wife, whether or not the habit leads to anything worse? (The same goes, of course, for a wife betraying her husband—the arguments in this essay should be assumed to apply as well to the small minority of women who use porn.)


It's adultery if you say it is.

In my world however, thoughtcrime isn't - well - a crime.

Yesterday the guy I'm currently seeing("Dude") found a poem I'd accidentally left at his house the other night. I think I upended my purse. It's a very sexy poem, that one that he found. Unfortunately, it's not about Dude. It's actually about Dude's coworker, who I cough had a sex dream about a few months ago. I had a sex dream about this coworker, yup, and I simultaneously loathe him. So the poem was a great big sexy amalgam of like, "I hate you, but, we had really fabulous sex in my dream." Once I realized I'd dropped the poem at Dude's house, I was a little worried it would bother him...while simultaneously rolling my eyes about it, because after all, I first wrote the poem in April, I believe strongly in poetry as fiction and in writing as a personal outlet. I was hoping Dude was secure enough and smart enough to know and see all this...

...and the happy ending of the story is that he was!

A relationship where you cannot acknowledge and accept that your partner will at times desire others, or even just other kinds of sex, is not a good one, in my mind. Porn is a way to fulfill a desire for more "variety," as well as freedom to do what one wants with one's own body (i.e., masturbate) that I do not think it is right to deny someone, especially when you are in a romantic, monogamous relationship.

I spend a lot of time in r/relationships eating popcorn. That means that over time, I've watched a whole lot of discussions about what's porn, what's not porn, what's passing the line. In general, the line that I've come to agree with is as follows:

- is the person a paid or amateur porn-er and that is how the person viewing the porn knows that person? AKA is it "strictly professional"? and it's on a screen? then it's okay

- does the viewer actually know, in person, the person(s) whose nudie bits they're seeing? then it crosses a line

- is it in person? are all clothes coming off? then it's crossing a line. Whether you're watching or touching, the in-person physical presence of another certainly ratchets up the level of intimacy and potential for harm - if you're "just paying to watch," but it's alone in a hotel room like Spitzer, then who can say you're really just paying to watch? if it's a strip club, that's gonna be YMMV territory. i would only hope if anyone in a relationship is going to a strip club they have talked to their partner(s) and made sure that this is okay with the partners or if not ok at least accepted.

posted 3224 days ago