
    It’s mostly about establishing rules for a postindustrial global economy, rules having to do with intellectual property, investment, antitrust and environmental protection.

Yes, rules that empower corporations, castrate nations, and destroy the individual rights of humans.

I've posted the EFF summary before.

Journalists keep writing about the TPP as though people oppose free trade and commerce. As though Democrats are the new Tea Party and 'don't play nice with others.' Free trade is fine. Commerce is fine. Strengthening the West against the East is fine.

Dismantling human rights, and empowering corporations against humans and nations is not fine.

    But those manufacturing jobs aren’t coming back. The best way forward is to increase the number of high-quality jobs in the service sector.

Topic switch. That's insane. Manufacturing drives economies. Service-sector economies are a geriatric illusion. Look at China's obscene growth for the last two decades. Compare Britain's economy to Germany's. Compare Japan's post-war industralisation to their current economy. Manufacturing drives the economy. The producer has the power in the business relationship. In the event of a war, the countries with manufacturing can retool for war production. Those without, can't. The Union didn't win the US Civil War because they were 'morally superior;' they won because they had manufacturing.

If the US doesn't bring manufacturing back, it will become a decaying, elderly, powerless nation.

posted 3229 days ago