HD is the current buzz word used to market both hardware and software. The “high” in “high definition” is relative. 25 years ago, “16 bit graphics” was the operative word, but it was ultimately the same concept; 16 bit graphics was just the the HD of its time.

    Creators understand that screen size/resolution is just a canvas like any other. A good artist can make anything from a Gameboy screen to a 60 inch LED look good. Problems arise when it comes time to convey to a lay person what constitutes good art. It takes a lot effort to explain how this:


As a failed pixel artist, it saddens me to see a master renounce his favourite art form just because the masses are blind to its beauty. I strongly disagree with the idea that artists should pander to the lowest common denominator and that the general public should have the final say on what constitutes a good work of art.

posted 3266 days ago