Talk about a controversial title. This is a case of yes and no, but mostly no.


I hate the idea that global warming isn't true because past things aren't true.

That's not the point. Farming improved because our techniques changed. We didn't run out of oil because we moved to new sources. We stopped chopping down our forests when we learned to make plastic furniture.

History is filled with humanity jumping ship from one technology to the next when it seems that technology has reached it's limit. Fossil fuels have, and we are jumping ship. renewable, nuclear, natural gas, and more are coming into play, and every day the public becomes more aware of global warming's effects as more information, graphs, and predictions come out to accurate.

It's time to stop predicting death and destruction, it's time to stop saying we are all going to die, and we are going to destroy everything. We need to keep moving forward, and we will continue to be fine year after year. Just as we have been fine for so many generations before us.

So what happens when the earth heats as we cover it in black solar panels? When the underground mines fill with radioactive wastes? We do it all over again.

Tech isn't progressing at a slow, glacial pace like the environmental changes around us. People are conscious of our environments, and capable of working together to solve things. We will be fine, we just have to keep doing what we always have.

posted 3345 days ago