Before I begin: There is a risk with pipe smoking. It can cause cancer, and there are many studies on the risk of pipe vs cigarettes. If interested check out this study comparing the two. The study does have flaws, and does a decent job of bringing them to light. I will not give you shit if this scares you and you won't try smoking, but I feel that the risk is worth the reward. Also, this should be done in moderation, not every day.


The masses have forgotten how to relax. The time spent when a person's eyes are not on a screen is almost non-existent. People have forgotten how to think. To contemplate. To muse. This is why I smoke. The thing with pipe smoking is that it takes time. You can't run outside for ten minutes and light up. You must sit down. You must set aside time to smoke. Sure, you could turn on the TV while you smoke. You could, but that would distract you. Do you want to be distracted? It just you, and a pipe.

So you sit. And think. And puff. And relight. And puff. And contemplate. And puff. And relax.

So it becomes a ritual. You smoke. You relax, and reduce your stress. You get to know yourself a little better, and maybe feel better about yourself.

I ask you to try it. Go to your local tobacco store, get a inexpensive pipe (ask for an estate pipe) and try a few tobaccos. There are hundreds of blends, and you can purchase them in sample packs. They can range from peaty to sweet, and I have yet to hear someone complain about the smell of pipe tobacco. Have your local tobacco enthusiast teach you how to pack the pipe, light it, and smoke it. Draw from your pipe slowly. Draw the smoke into your mouth. Not your lungs! Take your time. It isn't a race. Taste the smoke on your pallet, notice the room notes ( smell from the smoke), and take some time to yourself.





What percent of the reason you smoke pipes is so you can pretend you're General MacArthur?

My uncle and father both smoked pipes for a time and I get it, it's manly and old, and tells everyone that you're the kind of guy that only drinks whiskey when you play your vinyls.

I think you raise a very important point, about giving yourself time to think and relax, which is incredibly valuable for society today. But there are plenty of ways you can do that in private, so you gotta admit people smoke at least partially for looks :)

posted 3357 days ago