"Anybody with a terminally jangled lifestyle needs at least one psychic anchor every twenty-four hours, and mine is breakfast."
This quote, by Hunter S. Thompson came up yesterday, at the pubski, when Complexity and flagamuffin were discussing Hunter S. Thompson's eating habits.

I know some of hubski have a terminally jangled lifestyle - but jangled or not, give some thought to "what anchors you" if anything, or whether you are adrift on the cosmic sea.

Even a one-word response would interest me.


My family keeps me anchored.

They live in Denver and I go down to see them on weekends. I remember once, coming back, my roommate said something along the lines of, "your family isn't going to be there for you forever, 8bit."

It made me really mad, perhaps for no reason. I realize there's an emphasis in American culture that you need to be pushed out of the nest asap or whatever, but that's not how we roll. We have houses in Sudan that are packed end to end with family, sometimes multiple families - cousins, uncles, grandparents, etc. etc., all supporting each other and backing each other up.

And even if you took culture out of the equation: my sister is my best friend, no question. We understand each other better than anyone else. Why would you assume that that's not going to last forever?

I think it's the opposite. Significant others come and go, friends come and go, but for the most part, barring some significant detachment (and usually that's for a good reason), you're stuck with your family for good. You may as well stay on good terms with them.

Anyways, tl;dr Boulder drives me nuts sometimes and my family keeps me anchored from a sea of hate and self-loathing and/orinsanity.

posted 3458 days ago