Forgive me if what follows may be shocking to some.

    I have always been interested in a variety of activities in the bedroom but I only participate in sexual practices that are mutually agreed upon, consensual, and exciting for both partners.

Here's the Twitter post of indignation by Jian Ghomeshi after being fired. (Rated PG-18) Note: Most of Canada loves Jian Ghomeshi. He has (had, I guess) a radio and TV show and has hour-long interviews of great depth with interesting artists - Neil Young last week, Joni Mitchell recently, etc. Anyway, this is sad.

    The ex has even tried to contact me to say that she now wishes to refute any of these categorically untrue allegations

Our former prime minister said, "There's no place for the state in the bedrooms of the nation," unless your radio is on and you are listening to the public broadcaster. Then the state will make sure that the public broadcaster practices vanilla sex (gay or straight).


This is a tough one for poor Jian. I can understand the CBC not wanting to associate their name with this type of behavior, even if it is between two consenting adults - but where does it end? Talk about a slippery slope. They should have kept him on the air and monitored the listener ratings and numbers. Then, if they proved that it decreased, let him go. The way that Jian is getting in front of this whole thing though, it's looking right now as if the CBC made a big mistake. Just might cost them.

posted 3461 days ago