Yup, I made that mistake, you guys. I started arguing with people on Reddit. BAD IDEA.

Basically the Sin toxins were at mass levels after someone said "Black women are considered the least desirable women to date, it sucks but that's what people think and I don't like it and I don't know why."

Now, the obvious answer to "I don't know why I don't like people saying that Black women being undesirable" would be, well, because it's racist, right?


For you see, it is preference to literally refuse dating a specific race. It's totally(!) not based on things like social constructs and what our culturally formed definitions for beauty are, no way! "Preferences" and social preconceptions are totally divorced from one another! Also, it totally isn't fetishization in the opposite direction when a girl comes up to you out of nowhere and tells you she's "never been with a black guy before, would you like to be my first"! (Which, by the way, if you're coming onto me for the stereotypes I think you're coming onto me for, you are about to be disappointed on so many levels, ma'am, you wouldn't even believe)

Anyways, tell me I'm not crazy Hubski, I'm not just freaking out over nothing, am I.


I don't think you're crazy, but I also don't think that most people are very aware of their own prejudices or even that those prejudices are coming through in their actions.

I'm not a fan of Roseanne, but I did think that this episode dealt with the topic pretty well, especially given the time it was released:

Basically the son is in a school play and is excited that he's required to kiss a girl until he finds out that the role will be played by a black girl, but he doesn't tell his parents that, only that his teacher has given him the ultimatum of playing the role or leaving the play. Roseanne thinks this is unfair and goes to talk to the teacher about it, who believes that Roseanne is upset because of the girl's race. The family then examines their own prejudices and how that affects their relationships with people in their lives.

I don't blame people for having prejudices (because we all have them) but I do think that the responsible thing to do is to examine the motivations behind those prejudices and to try to move past them. And of course, I don't expect others to see things that way, though I hope that more people will.

posted 3616 days ago