I have been learning German for several years but my progress has stagnated due to a lack of opportunities to use it (I started reading Die Verwandlung by Kafka recently but I got bored and read ahead in the English edition - it was then that I realised that it's not a particularly fun book to read, although interesting and sometimes funny). Recently I've started with Japanese, because the culture, music, etc is interesting and linguistically speaking the language is very unlike the European stuff I had been learning.

What languages have you learned / are you learning?

What sort of strategies / techniques worked best for you?

Immersion is thought of as the best technique, do you agree with this sentiment? What alternatives are there?

Have you found certain languages to be more interesting / harder / easier / [etc] than others? Why?

What about constructed languages? Esperanto? Interlingua? Are these of any interest to you?


Technically? English. Constantly learning here!

Had French, German, Latin and ancient Greek in high school but I got rid of three of those as soon as I could. What I dislike about learning languages is that you have to keep up with it so much. Unless you're immersed in the language, you have to constantly work on the language to even maintain a similar level. I've had three years of French and while I enjoy knowing a bit of French and having a feeling for the language, I have forgotten so many words and I'm glad I didn't spend another three years learning words only to forget them.

posted 3636 days ago