For years, Apple has been trying to reinvent the television industry, just as it did to music back in 2003. That was the year Apple launched the iTunes Music Store and convinced a generation of Napster-worshipping consumers to start (gasp!) paying for music again. And now, it seems to finally be happening. On Sunday night, the Wall Street Journal reported that Apple is in talks with Comcast to team up for a new streaming-television service that would use an Apple set-top box (most likely, a new version of Apple TV).



"Apple needs to be Hulu, only cheaper, with some Amazon rolled in. Also, Star Wars."

The premium for a TV with every possible streaming service you could ever imagine is about $30. The winner is gonna be the company that profits off of aggregating all the aggregators - I want to watch Doc Martin, I don't want to punk around figuring out if he's on Hulu or Netflix or Amazon or Crackle or whatever. Comcast could do that; Apple can't.

posted 3683 days ago