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tehstone's comments
tehstone  ·  2768 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: DIYski! What have you been up to around the house?


This is one of many house projects the wife and I have done in the past 6 months. Our house is 90+ years old and has been updated in bits and pieces so there's always another project.

The stairs are steep and narrow and were covered with cheap long pile carpet that became very slippery when matted down. We ripped that up and found what seem to be the original stair treads underneath along with remnants of previous carpet. It took 2 hours to pull out the carpet staples by hand with pliers and then several more hours to sand down the treads to remove the paint splatters and other crap covering them. The staining and poly-coating was a long process as well, we did every other stair one weekend and then the landing plus the remaining stairs the next weekend. These are terrible stairs to try and take 2 at a time so that was fun. We ended up with a darker stain color than we had intended to use but that seems to have been a good mistake due to the condition the stairs are in, the darker color masks a lot of the crap underneath.

We went with a very "Pinterest" style project and used a textured wall paper on the rises. Soon after we finished the project we had a bunch of people over to the house and these stairs got a lot of traffic which revealed the choice of material to be a poor choice as the bits of texture fall off. Under normal daily use by two people it's not so bad so we'll hold off on refinishing the rises for now.

tehstone  ·  3127 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: PSA: I removed the badge counter in a minimalistic fit.

You could color the username instead.

tehstone  ·  3130 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Seattle may join the super tall skyscraper club

Someone decided at some point that it wasn't important for new developments in Seattle to have much (or any) parking. In some places this ok, the transit is decent and there's a lot of things within walking distance. In other places it's not ok.

Our transit system as a whole is insufficient. While there are plenty of things it does right, there are too many things it does wrong. And there's a consistent problem of getting enough funding. Each time a new ballot measure comes up to add light rail or add bus service, you get a huge outcry of "just build more roads." The problem is, there's no room for more roads. The city is situated on a narrow strip of land between Puget Sound and Lake Washington with the densest parts of the city falling in the narrowest parts. There's also the fact that building more roads or more lanes is incapable of solving the problem. Demand will increase far faster so that by the time the new lanes are complete, there's an even more severe traffic problem.

Then you have an us vs them mentality in the state where it's the rural areas vs the city of Seattle which further complicates funding. And you have an American populace only slightly more willing than the average American to give up on or reduce their use of a personal vehicle.

But back to this building. It's not too far from the city's only light rail line and major bus thoroughfare and not a terrible walk from stores, restaurant, jobs, etc.

    So since he couldn't stop masturbating, he took a machete to his right arm.

I feel like by his logic, he should have gone after a different appendage.

tehstone  ·  3170 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Beware the Bachelorette! A Report From the Straight Lady Invasion of Gay Bars.

So basically the problem stems from a lack of respect and propriety found in an ever increasing portion of society? No surprise there.

What's not touched on is the other motive for straight women to go to such places: they feel safe from the attention of straight males with no respect for boundaries. Is that ironic?

tehstone  ·  3172 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: It's a White Man's Internet

I don't know if agree with your claim that "leveling the playing field is a zero-sum game" although to many men is might seem that this is the case. There's a reason for this though, check out this and this to read about it.

Essentially, testosterone by nature increases the competitive nature and decreases cooperation. Thus the balancing of power between gender, which should bring about increased cooperation is viewed by those with higher testosterone levels as a threat to their power.

I certainly don't want to excuse anyone's behavior though. Hopefully we've all evolved to the point where we can recognize this kind of biological tendency and think rationally about how to curb the behavior it might otherwise bring about.

tehstone  ·  3172 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Anyone up for a game of Nomic? (Or, Introducing HubNomic)

What is nomic?

tehstone  ·  3186 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: 'Impossible' rocket drive works and could get to Moon in four hours

Saying they work is still a stretch. Several research groups/individuals around the world claim to have had successful tests but all are known for sketchy or flat out fake lab results. This is one of the most exciting tech breakthroughs in a long time if it's real but I'm not getting my hopes up yet.

This article angered me. The utter arrogance of some of the people described here is just unbelievable. Zero respect for human decency.

tehstone  ·  3236 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: You Can Be Prosecuted for Clearing Your Browser History

This is absurd. Imagine the non-digital equivalent. You're expected to keep any scrap of paper you've ever scribbled a note on, any written correspondence of any kind with any person (and you'd better make a copy of anything you send to keep on hand). Receipts from every purchase you've ever made. Keep a written record of everywhere you go, every business, home, etc and every person you talk to wherever you are. I could go on but I won't.

If it's ridiculous to assume in the "real" world it's ridiculous in the digital world.

tehstone  ·  3433 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Darron Wilson not indicted

I think a police officer, who has a considerable amount of training, and has sworn to protect the people and uphold the law, even when it puts their life in danger should take more than a split second to make a decision when faced with a 12 year old with a gun.

As an analogy, we go to great lengths to ensure that those who face the death penalty are absolutely guilty, with the ideal that 100 guilty are set free before 1 innocent are put to death. But then we have cops pulling the trigger at the drop of a hat, rarely facing ANY significant consequences. Shouldn't they take at least a tiny bit longer to determine the threat level before shooting to defend themselves, when THEY are the ones who chose to put their lives in danger to uphold the law?


tehstone  ·  3575 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: What is "The Red Pill?"

I think a great way to combat this is to be a mentor and a friend to the people in your life you feel might fall prey to these lies. I remember what it was like getting rejected by girls, hell, it still happens. But learning how to move past it and handle future interactions appropriately is very important. If you know a younger guy who's having a tough time, an older guy, or a girl for that matter; take the time to share some advice. This kind of shit can't be removed from the Internet, but the number of people who fall for it can be reduced.

tehstone  ·  3584 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: I still have some stickers left. First come, first serve...

Thanks TNG!

tehstone  ·  3590 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Where is the current "Paris in the 20s"?

I read something a while back, no idea what the source was or how to find it now. It discussed the effect that the Internet and other instant communication methods have had on the development of scenes. It focused specifically on music scenes but I think the concept can be applied to any sort of scene. The premise was, that prior to the internet, scenes reached a certain stage of development before being recognized or even noticed by the world at large. Nowadays, no such development is possible, as soon as there is anything at all worthy of attention, anything that can possibly be monetized, anything worthy of a few million hits on Youtube, that 'anything' is plastered across every aggregator on the net, obsessed over for 2 weeks and then forgotten. So perhaps the place you're looking for exists only in the past.