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randomuser's comments
randomuser  ·  3069 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Why Punish Drug Users at All?

    Today, parents should be more worried that their children will get caught and punished than that the drugs they use will harm them.

This was my favorite part. It's an interesting thought, and I feel like I remember some South American country trying this recently.

randomuser  ·  3262 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: The hands of Hubski

randomuser  ·  3231 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: “Just be yourself” is cruel, fraudulent advice to give young people - Salon.com

It's kind of the same as "follow your dreams" or striving for the "American dream". It was cool when America didn't have so many people or trade with anyone but itself, but at this point we have enough doctors and lawyers, there is no gold you can pan out of streams everywhere in California and we need plumbers/electricians. Chances are that 90% of these kids that are told they can achieve these dreams will never come anywhere close, and they'll know before high school that the whole thing was a sham. People need to be a bit more honest with kids I think, then the next generation may not end up as entitled and useless as the current one comparitively.

This guy sounds like he's got penis envy. I don't like most of Jack White's stuff, but I definitely appreciate what he does/who he is. He is the type of artist that music needs these days, he writes music, plays music, produces music,creates instruments, and he is awesome with his kid. He's definitely a fucking weirdo , but who gives a shit? The only thing that bothers me about him sometimes is he seems like kind of a snobby hipster douchebag, but some of the best musicians are. If that was a reason to say someone's music is bad then we wouldn't have Van Halen or U2, etc.