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ooli's comments
ooli  ·  27 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Dark Hubski

Since the beginning I argued for a more open, less elitist forum. I finaly found that on lemmy

Anyway, with the actual heavy on ad reddit , before the stock premiere, you can espect some new wave of refugee without a dark hubski

ooli  ·  27 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: 8-hour time-restricted eating linked to a 91% higher risk of cardiovascular death

20 000 is not "small sample size"... that 20x more than needed to have reliable data

ooli  ·  27 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: 8-hour time-restricted eating linked to a 91% higher risk of cardiovascular death

good argument, but the BMI is stable within all the sample 29 for <8 hour, and 28 > 8 hour window to eat

writing trash white on white between the line?

so for who do you think your work will be used by ? another artist?, really? that seems a bit naive

ooli  ·  438 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Hubski movie recommendations

Gohatto, 1999: a japanese movie in a strict medieval military school, where everyone start to become romanticaly obsessed with a new recruit.

But I have a weird fascination for medieval japan history, to the point where I must be the only one who enjoyed the Seven samourai.

The real thing, 2020: japanese movie in modern time . A normal dude become romanticaly obsessed with a girl driving him into weird situation.

I suspect Japan has a tradition of some people being able to entail profound irresistible love. Because thoses 2 movie are totally non realistic for a western eyes.. yet they work. The strangenest is fascinating.

I recently watched

the last of Sheila, 1973: a murder mystery where everyone is bad, and the reveals piles up.

I suspect I liked it more because it is filmed in Antibes, a french city I spend some weeks, in a difficult time, roaming the streets and port at night, like we see them in the movie.

ooli  ·  548 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Earth is now our only shareholder.

The family still get 100% voting power.

And the move is just a way to avoid taxe for the children while they still control the company.

And it Seems that the charity (owned by the oligarch family), is still able to use fund to campaign, and corrupt (sorry influence) the elected officials

ooli  ·  1174 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Let's talk WSB, Gamestop and the rules of the game

WSB subreddit is data mined by quantitative fund to try to get some value out of it.

On the day GME reached $100+, wsb was spammed by obvious bot about some other stocks ( NOK, BB, etc)

The community think that that originated from the shorts on GME (Melvin) trying to divert the attention away from GME.

I suspect, part of the spam bot come from basic users trying to influence the hivemind,

but also some Quant fund trying to feed false information to other quant fund.

I suspect, Quand fund use the tactic on all social plateform (hence the number of bot on twitter) not much to drive interest on a stock but to feed unusable noise to the concurrence

(but I have to admit I'm a bit paranoid, and of course really really retarded)

My point is.. half the mention of tickers on wsb are from bot! The problem is knowing which half

ooli  ·  584 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Archaeologists Unearth Tomb Of Genghis Khan

I had the same reaction! I was thinking it would be a greater deal, since everyone looked for that tomb forever

ooli  ·  615 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: FBI sought nuclear documents in search of Trump's home

I cant access Truth Social, as it is only for american , and I dont use VPN.

But apparently Trump is saying there that the whole "nuclear document" is a hoax:


ooli  ·  655 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: List of Active Reddit Alternatives

Hahah under scuttlebutt, way to go hubski

In the bottom of the list there is https://www.upquest.com/

I like the idea: you vote to predict the best post/comment , and win karma accordingly. Way more fun than reddit.

I wonder what would the front page be with such a system on reddit.. It cant be worse than what the front page is since the last 5 years.. can it be?

ooli  ·  662 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: 489th Weekly "Share Some Music You've Been Into Lately"

J'aime les gens qui doutent - anne sylvestre

I put some translation, because I like the contrast of the sweet melody, and occasional slur.

It must be a musical genre. But the only well known example I can think of is Fuck you -lily Allen . At least in Allen's the vulgarity serve a purpose. Here, it sound so weird :

  I like people who doubt

people who listen too much

to the move of their hearts.

I like people who talk

And contradict

And never denounce

I like people who tremble

Sometimes they seems

able to judge.

I like people passing by

one feet in their beaters

and the other aside

  chorus: I like their little song

Even if they pass for twats

I like those who panic

Those who are not logical

Finally, not "as it should".

Those who, with their chains

So that it doesn't bother us

Make just a little bell noise

  Those who will not be ashamed

Of being in the end

just failures of the heart.

Because they could'nt say:

"Deliver us from the worst

And keep the best"


  I like people who don't dare

Take ownership of things

even less of people.

Those who only want to be

Just a simple window

in the eyes of children's

Those who without banner

And with a color blind soul

Ignore the colors.

Those who are retard enough

so that the History

never give them military honors


I like people who doubt

But would like us to leave them the fuck

alone from time to time.

And that we don't mistreat them

when they walk

Their autumns in the spring

  Let them be told that the soul

Makes more beautiful flames

That all those sad assholes.

And we thank them

Let us tell them, we shout to them:

"Thank you for having lived"

Thank you for the tenderness

And too bad for your ass

that did what it could

ooli  ·  1713 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Who are you, Hubski?

Is this the place where I can show off? great that's my favorite activity and I cant sleep tonight.

  I'm the man who only realized last year, that I change all the time. 

Borges, my favorite author, point the cleverness of that Heraclitus quote:“No man ever steps in the same river twice, for it's not the same river and he's not the same man.”

Borges argue that the picture of an all flowing river in the sentence, help us accept the second part of the argument: We change too.

It isn't so easy. Because we still think it's just a morphological change (we aged). Not a mental one.

I still hate myself for being a dick to a girl who liked me when I was 15. Or still being hurt by my crush who was mean to me when I was 16.

We all have those embarrassing memories. But realizing we are not the same person than 20 year ago, help let go of them.

I have not the exact same set of value from 2 years ago. And I probably changed from last month too.


So to be laconic: I'm your ordinary clever boy.

And I'll hate that comment when I reread it next year, or in 5 sec. Because I will be slightly different

ooli  ·  1876 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Who Is Left on Hubski?

Name: Olivier

Location: France

Age: 43 and finally growing a beard

Current Preoccupation: When you've killed your victim, how do you hint your next target to the police (it is for a novel, mind you)

Previous Preoccupations: Is my banker flirting with me? Why are we always falling for our banker. She is not even that cute. Ok she is, but still

Role and purpose: destroying google. Someone has to do it, and none voluntered so far

ooli  ·  971 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Mysteries around obesity and the contaminant hypothesis

I wish I could badge this article so bad. That is a question I always wondered, and unlike you, never bother to research.

The answer they find, and even just the list of mysteries are amazing. Thanks for the discovery, and for sharing

ooli  ·  1619 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Ask Hubski: What Book (or Books) Changed Your Life, and Why?

13 year old: Dune, Herbert, the institutions are bad, but you can trick them

16 : The stranger, Camus, you dont have to care about the world

17 : Les fleurs du mal, Baudelaire, women and cities are beautiful

18 : The golem, Meyrink.. cities are dreamlike at night

19 : Les nuits de Paris, Restif de la Bretonne, Paris in medieval time at night, was almost like it is in modern time, some things never changes

20 : The world according to Garp, Irving , there is so many randomness in the live of a guy, you should accept it

21 : A History of Eternity, Borges ; reality can be enhanced by fiction, or the other way around, or they just are the same (still my favorite)

22 : Less than zero, Ellis (it tickle the same spot as The Stranger, with more energy)

24 : La recherche du temps Perdu, Proust (funnier writer ever, just a lot to skip in between funny bits)

25 : Whatever , Houellebeck (same itch as The stanger, with a gloomer but somehow funnier approach)

  Beside Houellebeck, I read all of them twice. More for Herbert. And Way more for Borges

Nothing since then.. So it mean, I'm brain dead

ooli  ·  277 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: 533rd Weekly "Share Some Music You've Been Into Lately"

Una Pazzia - Alin Prandea

all the song from this artist are of the same construction, but for some reason only this one stood out to me

ooli  ·  1531 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Hubski: I hate to toot my own horn, but . . .

If he has little trafic, and wonder why there are so many from here, he might end up reading this

ooli  ·  1246 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: I published my first novel


The website (www.abacabax.com ) is down it seems. Plus, firefox and Brave advise against going to the website for some certificate scare

ooli  ·  1455 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: The ECB is buying junk bonds now.

the whole: it's capitalism until shit hit the fan.. then people pay , get me really angry at this pandemic.

And it's not that it's a war, or some major catastrophe. People just consumed a bit less for a few weeks.

Make me wish a falling asteroid free us all from that bullshit system

Ok I listened to the 10min (ridiculously short) podcast with the dude .

The only interesting part : he argued, that covid on patients latest in the historic line (in Seattle, according to him) were proven to contain way less VIH marker in their covid-DNA. The point being: the more the virus mutate , the more it will shred the VIH part of it's DNA

NOW! Today there was a second podcast on the same plateform. An intervention by other scientists about Montagnier:


What was said:

  1- The Nobel price was given to him and a female colleague, and at the time, people already doubted the extend of his part in the VIH discovery

2- in 2011 the dude quit France after conflict with other scientists. He go work in a Shanghai laboratory

3- the dude had a conference in 2017 were he advised against vaccination. 100 scientists signed an article denouncing the position of Montagnier

4- he had some controversial statement like: good food can prevent HIV, DNA generate wave, and the benefit of essential oil (in his podcast-interview, Montagnier said :" I can help, but I need a lot of funding. I can use wave to cure people" )

Other interesting idea: One Scientist argue, that USA and France are trying to shift the blame to China because they fucked up their response to covid, and they want to be re elected. Even if China is responsible somehow, it wont solve any part of the crisis in any way. Or change how dumb they acted compared to Germany, or Taiwan. But , politically it make sense.

I think the guy , Montagnier, is full of shit.

(Nota: I use the term DNA here, but the correct term might be RNA)

ooli  ·  1643 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Hubski, what does your bookshelf look like?

  TOP: Left  are my "Pleiade" collection books (complete works) of 

Jorges Luis Borges

Virginia Wolf

All of French fairy-tales from the XVI

Marguerite Yourcenar

Basho Haiku's

  Right, are my non fiction :
The Talmud


The Mahabharatha

Early Taoist Complete work

Digest of All of Greek and Roman myths

Digest of all world myths

The Hypnotism by Chertok

3 history book (Templar, Malte and India )

  2 shelves in the middle are for music, because songs are books too, and for the opium pipe


all Jorges Luis Borges .. again (non poetry)

The Golem By Meyrink (the only book I ever loved without knowing really why)

Les nuits de Paris by Retif de la Bretonne (Superheros book in the 1700, or voyeuristic book, or document against the marquis de Sade. Apparently, there are no English translation, and you guys are missing on one of a kind fascinating book)

8 John Irving

3 Marcel Proust (I realize, I read but never bough all of them even though I consider him my second favorite author)

3 William S. Burrough

  Why so little?
So a lot is missing:

My SF collection,

My American favorite: Palahniuk , James Ellroy and B.E. Ellis

(beside Ellroy, the others two disappointed me so much in their last book, I wont read them anymore)

most of Amelie Nothomb

4 first Houellbecq (before his proud Islamophobia overtly made it to his fiction, rendering it nauseous)

most of Lovecraft (at least his racism never made it in his work)

Classic French author

Roleplaying rulebooks (Ambre, D&D, Stormbringer...)

Classic economical book (marx, pareto, keynes...)

etc, etc...

Since I left my parent house in 1998, the one thing that I always took with me were my books. On average That's was 1 move every 2 years (cross country, or in Germany) with 4 fully packed bookshelves that size (real pain in the back).

Last year, I decided to rent my old place, and the tenant wanted the place in 2 day . And since I'm too poor to pay mover, too introvert to have friends help me, and I was on a 4th floor without lift, there was no way I could move all the books in 2 day. I'm really lazy too.

So for the 1st time in 20 years, I decided to get ride of my book, and store them in the old basement, and only bring the one deemed worthy in my new place.

But now, my flat feel empty, and I look more dumb!

At least I have an Opium pipe :]

ooli  ·  1142 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Starting Your Day on the Internet Is Damaging Your Brain

I checked this article first thing in the morning, now I feel dumber.

Is there any science based research behind this claim, or is it just hippie mambo-jumbo?

ooli  ·  917 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: The Mysterious Case of the COVID-19 Lab-Leak Theory

Most consider that the natural explanation, is the Occam razor one.

We have had zika, ebola, I dont know what other virus in the past few year. Nobody even try to link them to anything. Nature make virus, virus evolve fast that's what they do.

Suddenly we try to find someone to blame? I guess it's because this time, it didnt stay in Africa, the white men dont like to be the butt of the joke

ooli  ·  1207 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: What Are Your Recent Searches - and what can be learned about Hubski Denizens?

"The plague" became a new best seller in France with the covid.. but with Camus you must read "the stranger".. if you're not hook, on the very first line, you can give up. But you'll be hook

ooli  ·  354 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: 526th Weekly "Share Some Music You've Been Into Lately"
ooli  ·  1710 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Morning, Hubski. How do you motivate yourself to do something difficult?

A podcast that resonated with me by Gretchen Rubin pretend there are 4 type of people concerning getting motivated.

-High achiever: like goobster, kleinbloo, nil (according to their comment). They find motivation within themselves to do what they intend to

- Cerebral: like thenewgreen, need to think of all the good things (and bad) and that keep them on track

- Socialite : (like yourself, I guess) Need to have other people account to their effort, and to push them forward

- Rebel :( like me, according to that comment ) just do thing out of spite, even against themself. I stopped smoking, because everyone , and myself, said it was hard. I needed to prove them (and I ) wrong

My advice, get cold turkey. 48h without nicotine. Tell your family and friend about that, get someone to stop with you. Drink a lot of water for 48h. Disrupt your usual pattern associated with smoking (mine was sugared-coffee, so I drank coffee without sugar and it was enough to stop the association )

Good luck, I have trust in you. And you'll feel so much better after, I promise

ooli  ·  1313 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: I'm ashamed to admit that a heartfelt apology is needed, again.

I dont know if it is for you, but most people with anger found solace in applying CBT

On the other hand, having parent prone to anger, I decided early on to remain calm in any situation.

For some reason the only thing that can still trip me are internet forum. That is the reason, I dont comment much around here or anywhere

ooli  ·  1384 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: How to be happy? Most people have it backwards.

I like how anti-"fun" he is :

    California because they think of the weather and fail to take account of other things, such as the fact that California is full of tedious hippies.


    In other words, last night’s party was never as good as you think it was.

Seriously, it's a shame that mindfulness is more mainstream than CBT. I guess coming from antique Asia, is the recipe to success in the west. Cant wait when everyone start ingesting mercury like Qin Shi Huang

the plan: protect the old and frail. Let the other catch the disease, so they can be immune sooner.

They expect more death early, but argue that other country HAVE to reopen one day, then the disease will run its course , and they will end up having the same number of death overall; because Sweden will be immune by then.