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onlythelonly's comments
onlythelonly  ·  3537 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: America Is Not For Black People

"By all accounts, Brown was One Of The Good Ones. But laying all this out, explaining all the ways in which he didn't deserve to die like a dog in the street, is in itself disgraceful. Arguing whether Brown was a good kid or not is functionally arguing over whether he specifically deserved to die, a way of acknowledging that some black men ought to be executed."

This really strikes the heart of it to me. We don't talk about how the majority of people wait to see what the deceased look like before deciding if he "deserved it" or not.

We've been indoctrinated to the militarization of our police forces. It's become a fact of life here in America. We criticize those who fail to act accordingly.

onlythelonly  ·  3693 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Hubski: How Do You Balance Your Time?

Priorities, mate. You are what you eat, that's the foundation for me. Never miss a chance to sleep. Work is the biggest drain. It's unreasonable. You're right, we haven't evolved significantly in 10,000 years and we're really pushin the limits on this model's hardware. We're animals pretending we're somehow above our nature.

I will say at the moment i'm sacrificing things that are really not important. Mostly putting on airs. I've found that really hanging in the pocket in a groove with a tight band on stage is what's really important. Nothing else like it, yet