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gordonz88's comments
gordonz88  ·  3602 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: It's time for some new stickers -What say ye?

Aww, I'm touched but I actually have very little design skills. I was merely a fan of the blue ones, and still have them pasted all around.

gordonz88  ·  3745 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Hubski, what're you gonna be when you grow up?

Thank you! Just hearing your thoughts on this makes me really happy. Being alive truly is a gift, and I didn't mean to make it out to be all negative, it's just to someone really just getting a taste of what's out there, it can be quite overwhelming. In these past few years, I really have had my first few tastes of loss, rejection, failure, but it really is overshadowed by all the joys life has to bring. The negativity is not so much about life as it is now for me, but rather uncertainty of what the future has to bring. Threads about later stages of life really get to me the most. For instance, Askreddit threads asking "Older members, what are your regrets?" or "What do you wish you could experience again the most?" and other iterations.

Life is not all bad at all though! The phrase "The reason we struggle with insecurity is because we compare our behind-the-scenes with everyone else’s highlight reel" is more flexible than we think, and it really is a powerful concept. Those threads specifically poke for people's regrets, but what we're not hearing are the memories they remember fondly! We're not hearing the joy of seeing their children speak their first words, the joy of a lifetime's worth of arts and books, and so on.

Honestly, what I want most from futurology is a better, more consistent, more complete way of experiencing the life of another individual.

A machine that allows me to instantly relive the life of someone else, in all its glory. Feel all their pain, sorrow, and regret, but also all their excitement, pride, laughter, etc. Hopefully all within the matter of seconds in real time.

I think understanding each other and recognizing everyone as a beautiful part of nature (even if you'll never meet them) is the key to peace; sometime I can't fathom people who are self-centered to the point where they don't even acknowledge others as equals. It doesn't anger me, it just confuses me. This machine would work infinitely better than biogrophies, books, etc. and I think it would be one large step to world peace.

Or, maybe it'll make people go mad and make them feel infinitesimally worthless. I don't know.

Thank you for your words, and the beautiful poem.

gordonz88  ·  3960 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: What dare or prank have you participated in that wasn't a good idea?

I don't really know if you can say it's the OCD that causes the flaws, at the root of it it just depends on the person's character.

In my freshman year of high school I was diagnosed with severe OCD by one of the better doctors in Seattle, and it was even said that the next step up would be so extreme that it would've been recommended I pull out of school.

However, as severe as my symptoms were, part of my mindset was to not inconvenience others or ever be unkind, and as a result most people couldn't even tell that I had the disorder.

Granted, it did end up making me more shy and withheld than I wanted to be, but even as people got to know be better I'd still try to be that nice guy who's there to help and listen, even if I wasn't in a position too. I'd never dream of boastingly beating people in arm wrestling, I don't think that stems from OCD but instead I think that stems from a narcisstic character.

Likewise, I also have (what I assume to be) a realistic sense expectations, and wouldn't say I could publish a book in a year unless I reasonablly could. I don't think that stems from OCD but instead from a unrealistic character.

I'm sure he could've been a better person, OCD or not, and just didn't try to.

gordonz88  ·  3990 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: What do you consider to be your biggest obstacle?

Probably myself. The only limit to things I can achieve is myself. This isn't your generic "work hard and you will get what you want" sentiment, because I'm sure we all know it isn't that simple. Truth is however, be it through cunning or hard work or thought or even lack of thought, we can achieve almost anything as we are our only obstacle.

I guess the only obstacle that's nipping at me is giving up at perceived obstacles.

gordonz88  ·  4004 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Lil's Book of Questions: Are You Holding the Wrong Hand?

I like that, like phantom limb. They may have let go but you're still convinced you're holding on.

For me, I'll have to find a hand first before I can answer this question!

gordonz88  ·  4004 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Left my baby with my mom for a coupla hours the result about 40 pictures like this

Humph. I was pretty set thinking I didn't want kids for most my life... until I joined Hubski. Maybe it's the intimacy of community that Hubski excels so well in, but seeing all your cute children, from thenewgreen to syncretic, and now this, well.. I'm having more than second thoughts.

gordonz88  ·  4004 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: The Impact of Negative Body Image on Boys

This is just as prevalent in societies as trying to fit the ideal image for any other gender. I really think it deserves more attention. Thanks for this article! I wouldn't be surprised if the amount of boys being self-conscious isn't actually increasing, and it's always been a higher number, but instead the stigma and gender roles against accepting self-doubt are just being lifted.

gordonz88  ·  4007 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Have you visited a Microsoft store?

The once outside of my local mall has a big sign that says "upload a photo to facebook faster on your iPhone or Android and win a $1000 in store credit! Take the challenge!" or something along those lines. I've always wanted to just write a script that does it instantly, but I've always been too lazy (or, more like busy).

It's really easy to justify not doing it because I am 99.99% sure that if I beat the employees there will be some dirty catch and I don't get the money, knowing the employees in there.

Sometimes I honestly feel they aren't educated and trained for their jobs beyond information on the Xbox and Kinect, I swear.

gordonz88  ·  4014 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Tin-Can: Twelve hours to go...

I think I'll make a last minute pledge, since I just got some money. Hang tight.

Alright, donated. I'll donate more if need be, but be wary, my wallet has a bottom.

EDIT: Added money to a $25 backing. I really really want to see this happen.

gordonz88  ·  4015 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Something similar to tin-can might already exist

Yeah, for sure. Noticeably, this isn't a message that gets sent like a wave, to everyone who passes anyone like a domino effect, but instead it's one to one.

Really, it's just an idea of short range 'tin can' communication that both have in common.

gordonz88  ·  4017 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Don't Believe the Hype—House Tyrell Is Richer Than House Lannister

Oh damn oh damn, I was just about to reply to this comment and say

"if you follow through with this great idea, I'd suggest using synchtube. It takes a source video, like livestream.tv or youtube and is sort of like a event hall or lobby where it's synched for everyone and there's a chat on the side. Also, no ads."

but then I visited the synchtube website and realized it was down!

Now I'm having a minor panic attack because I've made so many friends there, it's honestly been a huge impact on my life.

gordonz88  ·  4022 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Hubski musicians - fun, light musical project?

Haha, would you perchance have a sheet or tab of this? It's just too cool not to try. Anyways I don't think I can compete, especially not with that voice of yours.

gordonz88  ·  4027 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: What is Your Favorite Poem?

Not much of a poem, more of an inspirational quote, but it's in verse, so why the hell not.

    If you think you are beaten, you are; If you think you dare not, you don't. If you'd like to win, but think you can't It's almost a cinch you won't. If you think you'll lose, you've lost, For out in the world we find Success being with a fellow's will; It's all in the state of mind.

    If you think you're outclassed, you are: You've got to think high to rise. You've got to be sure of yourself before You can ever win a prize. Life's battles don't always go To the stronger or faster man, But soon or late the man who wins Is the one who thinks he can.

― Walter D. Wintle

gordonz88  ·  4029 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Thirteenth Weekly "Share Some Music You've Been Into Lately" Thread

Huh. I read about this band on a "this months best music" section, but I just can't get into the vocals. It just doesn't really appeal to me. Love the guitar and bass however.

gordonz88  ·  4036 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Horse Meat Lasagna to Feed Homeless Swedes

How can you say with such certainty that they can't?

And even if they can't, you have to realize this. The homeless are not idiots. Wouldn't the ethical thing to do be to give them the facts, possible effects, etc. then let them decide? They're not animals, we shouldn't talk about whether or not to give them food like we're above them.

gordonz88  ·  4037 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Study: Women with large breasts are smarter - by Terrence Aym - Helium

Be the outlier! Show them that they're wrong! Don't let a study tell you how to act, act the way you want studies to report!

If it means anything as well, when I consider the type of person I'd be happy with for the rest of my life, the most important thing is as follows. They have to be my best friend as well. I should be able to trust my wife with any secrets or feelings I have. She should be able to talk to me about anything, and I would enjoy listening. Compared to that, breast size isn't even a priority to me.

gordonz88  ·  4038 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: What does being in love feel like to you?

Ah yes, but is not love in itself a physiological concept? What more is it then a primal drive to reproduce? Evolution deemed the feeling of "magic" that goes with love brought people to continue their species better, so now it's found in nearly all of us.

But, I'm not a personified image of evolution or biology. I am a human, and damn do the butterflied and buzzing in my chest feel exactly like what you describe. The complexity of being in love is vast. You overthink and you stumble and you get nervous, yet every moment feels like pure magic. It's impressive, but it's no surprise so much art is based off of love. After all, what more is art than an expression of our humanity? When one of, if not, our biggest drives as humans is "love", of course that's going to manifest itself in our art.

Even the negative parts feel almost.. inexplicable. Indecipherable. Surreal.

I'll sometimes think during the holiday season, "man I wish I had someone to be with next to this fire" or when I'm under the stars I might say out loud to my only company, the open field "if only I had someone else to share this view with". What does that mean though? Is it magic? Sure as hell feels that way.

More interestingly though, is the underlying psychology (or, specifically, applied biology) of love. The one that gets me the most is a phenomenon that's always prevalent. Humans are social creatures and being social is rewarded. That cute confident girl who can be friends with anyone? She'll subconsciously force her way into everyone's heart. When you see someone so happy, so confident, your brain comes up with subtle excuses. "Oh, we have x and y in common. We're perfect" but in reality that's just confirmation bias your brain produces after it's set it's mark on the 'evolutionarily perfect match'. etc. etc. and so on. What's my point? How much of love is logical? Not very much.

I don't know, maybe I'm just a bit resentful since I'm fairly timid.

gordonz88  ·  4038 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Hubski is maturing

At first I thought you meant from the last few months, since a majority of the "true reddit" migrants of backed off, but boy was I wrong. This is really interesting. I may not have been here when the hubwheel was introduced, but I plan to be here for whatever comes next and beyond.

gordonz88  ·  4039 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: The new Hubski stickers are here!

These are sexy. And I'm sure the color choice clearly isn't unintentional. Blue and orange are complimentary colors! I might just have to find the locations I put some of the original ones and put these next to them.

gordonz88  ·  4041 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: How do you feel about e-cigarettes?

I've heard nothing but good things about it. Discreet, smooth both practically and in design, innovative (different color lights mean different things and all that jibble-jabble), etc. And if it means anything, people I've talked to who partake in the vaporizing of a more.. illicit herb, say it's basically a Volcano Vaporizer in your pocket, if that means anything.

gordonz88  ·  4043 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: SHORT STORY: Laundry

I definitely try to be, I always have tried. Granted it doesn't help that I lock up around physical interaction.

gordonz88  ·  4044 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: SHORT STORY: Laundry

I think I'm at the point in life where coming of age movies are set. I know all about, perhaps more than most people many times my age, the ugly in the world. I just haven't come to terms with it. I'm still naive with the "I might be able to change this" mindset. At least since high school, I don't have the "I know everything" attitude anymore.

I still sometimes ask the previously unanswerable question"how could anyone be so evil?" but more and more I'm finding I can see answer to the question. Lord knows, I've had my fair share of anger or resentment and so has everyone else.

gordonz88  ·  4046 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Does Pronunciation Matter?

Also, what you said hits really close to home. With chinese to english translations, especially in the standardly accepted mandarin phonetic pinyin systim, "-ang" prefixes are pronounced the way you'd usually read "-pong", as in "-ang" is read like how the "pong" in "ping pong" is read, and "-ong" is supposed to be pronounced "o-ng" where you actually nearly annunciate the "o". Ying Yang should be read "Ying Yong" and "Gong" as a last name would traditionally be pronounced "G-o-ng"

I'm american born (but don't even get me started about how I try never to associate with a demographic, country, party, country, religion, etc. because it always just leads to an 'us and them' mindset and it's the root of all conflict. You might then ask 'when should we stop 'not associating' and start associating? The answer is.. maybe never. If we just call ourselves 'all human', then what about if and when we discover an alien species? Will there be war and racism again with an 'us and them' mindset? Nonetheless, if I could get everyone to disassociate all up to the point where we all accept that we're one race, one people, that in itself would be revolutionary. This is derailing though, let me continue) and EVERYONE gets it wrong. Like you, I've taken to calling myself the common mispronunciation just to save this explanation.

gordonz88  ·  4047 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Does Pronunciation Matter?

I guess it depends. You're completely right, the entire point of language is to communicate.. Words only mean what we are told they mean, yada yada yada. It shouldn't matter in the least bit if the second party understands. However, even with this 100% practical view on language, it still makes sense to try to pronounce things correctly. It saves confusion. There's no "if the second party understands" there's just "the second part understands" if you are correct in your pronunciation.

However, there is a different view many (excluding me) share. There will always be the demographic that treats language as art. Poetry, lyrics, etc. There is undoubtedly a sense of humanity in language. You may call them elitists, but those guys tend to preserve proper pronunciation.

gordonz88  ·  4050 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Where do you go most frequently on the internet?

The person who showed me around Google, was actually head of Hangouts! He asked me for feedback, probably just as a gesture, but I really couldn't think of much. Free, smooth, friendly group video chats! As a whole, I lovelovelove google+. The only thing I could really say, was how it didn't feel too optimized on mobile, but that's to be expected considering the bandwidth capabilities of a phone.

gordonz88  ·  4052 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: This Man Thinks He Never Has To Eat Again

I feel like this article is sensationalized. I feel a lot of VICE is sensationalized.

First let's start with the writer: No, I don't feel I'm being "trolled". I feel it's unprofessional that as a journalist, you're using words like "trolled". This is why I despise the Daily Dot, and how it tries to please the "hip techy crowd". No, a pure nutrition food doesn't sound "bulimic" to me. Everyone knows the only function of food is nutrition. Cravings, and pleasure from eating are just evolutionary side effects to get us to eat, and to want to eat. All but the most blind religious know this. And oh man, this title. "This man thinks he never has to eat again"? Are you fucking kidding me? More like "Man decides to start eating pure nutrition food. Doesn't like spending time indulging on meals."

Now onto the idea.

A 100% PRACTICAL, 100% NUTRITIONALLY FOOD ISN'T A NEW IDEA. IT'S NOT REVOLUTIONARY. IT'S USED IN FICTION ALL THE TIME. IT'S USED IN REAL LIFE ALL THE TIME. Guess what kind of food they use in aid efforts? Food that tastes like shit, but is PURELY sustaining.

Has anyone here watched Firefly? In the very first episode, it's about the main character, Mal, selling a nutritional bar that is said to taste like crap, but'll keep you alive for weeks. It's pure vitamins, fat, calories, etc. Then again, Joss Whedon is a genius.

Point being, this isn't revolutionary, and this writing style is atrocious.

gordonz88  ·  4054 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: What's your far-fetched dream?

I take it so much for granted, but I have that second part. My metabolism is ridiculously high, and I need an entire 16 inch pizza to fill me up for dinner.

In the first world? It's a blessing. I can take advantage of restaurants (assuming, my broke student wallet can afford it) and fine food all I want. Try this, try that. "I heard both these entrees are the defining points of your restaurant.. hell I'll get both!" (again, assuming I just got paid).

If I ever got stranded from a plane crash/shipwreck? Damn I'm screwed. My friends always say, because of my calorie consumption, I'd be the first to die and the first they'd eat.

gordonz88  ·  4070 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: What are you afraid of?

Haha, it really makes you think, huh? I can name a few alternatives off the top of my head: Carbon Fiber: Light and rigid and strong. Hydrophobic Rubber: Like the kind they're using for new "hip" plungers? It could be shaped like those rubber party poppers, like so, that invert when not in use. Reinforced Cardboard/Newspapers: As one of those "trendy" new "recycle" gimmicks, like the Mighty Wallet.

Maybe I should become a full time umbrella designer.

gordonz88  ·  4070 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: The Century of Great Ape Culture

And to think, scumbags hunt creatures like this.

gordonz88  ·  4070 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: What are you afraid of?

Boy have I got the saying for you! I like to say it changed my life, but really how many things that "change your life" really change people's lives? Anyways, it goes like this. It's short, simple, sweet.