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caelum19's comments
caelum19  ·  3598 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Ignore users newer than X days

As someone who joined the site roughly half an hour ago, I agree.

I'd happily browse the site ignored while reading the content, the sort of person who leaves a site or thinks worse of it just because s/he's not getting enough attention isn't one I'd want to interact with in the community.

this would keep maturity levels higher, because someone who can't cope with the immaturity following summer break or another community leaking into this will have the power to ignore them, and stay with us, aswell as the possibly immature new-commers being likely to leave due to lack of attention.

And that's why in my (low valued) opinion this should be a feature.

caelum19  ·  3241 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Hello there! I'm yet another migrator over from reddit and I have a few questions.


    Where do I go to see comment or post replies?

There is a little chat symbol next to posts to go directly to the comments.

    Is there voting? Is content that is not welcome discouraged in any way?

You can click the little 'hubwheel' on the top-left corner of posts to show that you appreciate them, if this is a post, it will 'Share' it to all your followers and if it's a comment, it will float closer to the top in that thread. You can hubwheel as many posts as you like.

There are no moderators or admins on Hubski in the sense you get them in Reddit, users do all the filtering. So you're free to post whatever you like, and if someone doesn't like what you're posting, they can click on your name and mute, filter or hush you(Mute stops them from posting on your posts, filtering stops you from having to see what they say and hushing just sorts them to the bottom of every thread.) personally I find this system much better than reddits.

    Is there text formatting?
Yep! click 'markup tips' on the top-right bit of a text box. The formatting is mostly the same as Reddit's, except with some differences such as \> being replaced with surrounding quoted text in '|'

    If I have niche interests, how would I go about cultivating a community to explore them? (Aka /r/abrathatfits, /r/trollxchromosomes, etc)
Hubski functions similar to Twitter in this sense, you post whatever you want whereever you want to. Because of the follower system, the site consists of social bubbles based off who get along rather than only people interested in similar topics(You can search tags to find people of similar interest, but you're not forced to spend time together because of your similar interests)

A while ago I asked a pretty niche question about OpenGL(A computer graphics library) and rob05c answered, in the future I can mention him in OpenGL questions and he'll get an alert, and if I see an OpenGL question that I don't know the answer to, I can refer them to @rob05c then too.

Cultivating communities around niche interests isn't really possible, you can only really cultivate communities around people. That's why I still use reddit(Might switch to voat.co if it gets more popular). Hubski isn't meant to replace Reddit.

caelum19  ·  3289 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Reddit themes

While reddit is stealing Hubski's ideas, could you improve the search feature? :P

caelum19  ·  3428 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Hola, Im new here

Welcome! everyone else did a good job introducing you, so I won't say anything that's already been said.

    Came here because reddit was blocked at my school...
Hubski isn't really a replacement for reddit, the two are pretty different.

Personally, I prefer Hubski for interactions and opinions but reddit for wasting time, which by the way have you tried using a proxy to access reddit? if your proxy is whitelisted so only google and a handful of other things work you should try using google translate as a proxy