When I started the 9th grade my school bus kept on a guy who had failed the previous year. He was in adult ed and the bus route would drop him off at the adult ed center before it brought us to school. As the year progressed he got more and more bizarre. First it started out with him being loud and obnoxious. Then he was drinking on the bus and several times got so drunk that he started crying and begging his ex girlfriend to take him back. This guy was a total head case.

Then one day he shows up with a shaved head, doc martens and he didn't speak at all for a week. One day out of the blue he started going this huge rant about how the Jews were the reason this bad thing was happening and that bad thing was going on. The bus driver couldn't hear him because the skinhead sat at the back of the bus. He just kept going on and on and on. Nobody said anything. We all looked at each other, making faces in disbelief that he was doing this. But nobody was going to say anything. So I got up and told him, pardon my french, to "shut the fuck up, you skinhead piece of shit." Everyone was staring, and he stood up and started yelling back about how the way he dresses doesn't hurt anybody. It's a lifestyle choice. He's being persecuted for the way he looks. So we back and forth for a while before our bus driver finally hears whats going on and stops the bus. He's a native from Newfoundland, "he knows what it like to be persecuted." The skinhead was berated by our driver, and didn't fight back at all.

The next day he was transferred to another bus because his mom threatened to sue the school if they banned him completely from the bus service.

It's not that big of a deal. I know most people have probably done bigger things in their lives. But this was a defining moment in who I am. I'm really proud that I was able to stand up when no one else would.

on post: What is your lame claim to fame?
by homewrecker 4694 days ago   ·   link  ·    ·