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flac  ·  2268 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Pubski: February 7, 2018  ·  


First of all, my first sweater is done!

Really happy with how it turned out, just a smidge short, but that's okay. Already started another sweater, because I'm crazy.

Also, I started painting stuff this weekend. I've never really been good at or liked drawing/painting, but I've been toying with some isometric stuff for the past few weeks, which has been fun. I'm making about 1 room a day, might connect them, might not.

First one:

(The dog is named Sammy)

Not quite as cleanly executed as I'd like, but I like the design of this room. Might make it again sometime.

WIP of the current one.

kleinbl00  ·  2268 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Pubski: February 7, 2018  ·  

I had an epiphany maybe three, maybe for years ago. I was running, as always. Up the dune, as always. A mile into my 3-4 mile run, as always, same as it ever was, as I have been doing since 1988.

This dude smoked me. Trotted right on by like I was standing still. Made me feel like shit. Then I thought about it and realized that I was old enough to be his dad. I'd been running longer than he'd been alive.

I was faster when I was younger. But I'm still going. I'm doing pretty goddamn well, thankyouverymuch, and all the shit that holds me back isn't bad enough to hold me back much. I'm healthier than my parents were at my age; I'm healthier than my grandparents were at my age, I'm healthier than my friends at my age.

I'll take it. In the end, we're only competing with ourselves, and we only get to win until we lose. I'll take every win I can get.

kleinbl00  ·  2268 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Pubski: February 7, 2018  ·  

I know. And that's why I refuse to humor you.

The difference between being glum about a physiological limitation or not being glum about a physiological limitation is glumness. Worse, the worse your attitude the worse your hormonal and chemical balance. The more you act like a little bitch, the longer you will be a little bitch, the harder it will be to not be a little bitch... physiologically.

Toughen the fuck up. Not because I think less of you but because your strongest ally in this is yourself and you sell yourself short at the drop of a hat.