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user-inactivated  ·  3309 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: What Kendrick Lamar, Drake, and Kanye West Say About the Black Experience in America  ·  

    It's that stereotype, that "blackness" as the author calls it, that needs to go away. Not an impression that black people are less than human.

I...I don't understand how these are mutually exclusive.

Reddit has a literal "chimpire". But you're saying that:

    No. We are not living in the sixties. Nobody, outside the small enclaves of KKK members who are shunned by society, considers black people as inhuman. Society does not treat black people as animals, as less than human, or any of such things.

I mean, holy shit, dood. How many times does a Black guy have to get gunned down by a cop on the street before we take a step back and think, "hmm, maybe the way we're treating these people is a little inhuman"?



is super obnoxious. How the fuck would you know, man? You've been Black for a day, I take it? Where do you define being treated as human? Is your literal definition of the term purposefully facetious? Get followed around in every gas station you've ever been to, etc. etc. I've said it on Hubski a million times before, and then when you feel like a second class citizen, define to me again what being treated like a "human" is.

    Exaggerating a point to the nth degree

No. < - And this is purposeful.

    Fight that impression, and you will find that there is no progress to be made, because everyone already agrees with you.

No. Again. Let me take a page from the "SJW" handbook. "It's not my job to educate you." By "you," I mean it's not my job to be some Black Experience preacher that needs to explain to White people all the time why they shouldn't treat Black people the way they do. It's not my job to fight any sort of impression. It's not my job to explain why rap isn't the reason SAE talked about hanging niggers from trees, and it sure as shit is not my job to explain why I don't "talk black". It's their job to accept who the hell I am, and the Black experience as a whole - whether it's the Kendrick experience, or the Drake one, or the Kanye one.

I mean, you're right if you say that I do it all the time anyways, which I do, but it's from a place of futility and a slight retching sound that I make in the back of my throat whenever I get online.

Also, go to Ferguson, please tell me that the police officers there agree with me.

I would go on, but really you should just peruse right over here and spend some time seeing the shit that we put up with on the daily, bruh.

user-inactivated  ·  3309 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: What Kendrick Lamar, Drake, and Kanye West Say About the Black Experience in America  ·  

It's weird to me because you're saying "we" and "us" and "people" but you can't get specific to save your life. It's everybody's job, but to you it's also nobody's job.

    Yeah, reddit also has a sub about pics of dead kids, beating women, and so on. They are universally shunned, and nowhere in the regular part of the nation are such ideals common. Nobody considers them as good.

Don't give me that shit, they all have large numbers of subscribers and it's the "front page of the internet." Please tell me who "nobody" is, again, because you're speaking in swaths. If they were universally shunned, they'd get shut down, and they wouldn't have subscribers to begin with. Can't have one when the other exists.

    When I hear about someone gunned down on the street, I think of things like the steriotypes that drive people to actions, I think of the complex interactions between police and the people they are over. I think of how and why these things happen

THEY HAPPEN BECAUSE THEY THINK WE'RE LESS THEN HUMAN, HOLY SHIT. Do I really have to pull out the numerous, NUMEROUS texts and emails found amongst police that LITERALLY call Black people animals? The Telemundo guy that compared Michelle Obama to an ape from Planet of the Apes? That's not Reddit, Bio, you can't really cover that shit up!

    "You aren't black, you don't know" is not a valid argument, and never will be.

BUT YOU DON'T FUCKING KNOW AND YOU NEVER WILL. It's easy to play the "reasonable man with facts and knowledge!", it happened on Hubski before and I fucking left for a while because of it. You will. literally. Never. Know. I understand this is upsetting: it's the same reason #blackgirlsrock got coopted with #whitegirlsrock, or why #blacklivesmatter got coopted with #alllivesmatter. It's like telling me all about riding a rollercoaster when you've never been on one in your life.

    See: holocaust, slavery, and other situations. When people have all freedom taken from them and are treated as if nothing about them matters, as if every part of them is scum and nobody should give them any moral consideration. That is what an animal is. What a non-human is. Cases such as how race is in modern society are not cases of treating anyone like an animal.

Okay, so you are being purposefully facetious and pedantic. At least we got that out of the way.

    People don't change without information, people don't change without someone pushing the right button that inspires it. People aren't going to change if you simply expect them to, or think they will out of human decency.

Every person that's stepped up to make change got shot, lol. I've done my part.

    It's not up to society to change to their whims, it's up to them to show and prove their morality is the right one.

Oh my God. Acceptance is not "proving that my gayness is the right morality." It's "fucking accept my gayness and stop being a bigoted piece of shit." It''s not "I need to prove that you should treat me better as a Black person", it's "you better fucking treat me better as a Black person".

    However, when you are taking time out of your day to correct someone, and scold them for something like considering a rapper flawed, do so in a constructive and progressive way, not in a demeaning and regressive one.

Ah, the Common perspective. The rapper, since I'm ABSOLUTELY SURE you've never heard of him. All "hug the white people so they feel better about themselves, that'll fix things." Maaaaybe in hell.

    I would be willing to bet money that not a single person in furgeson considers black people as less than human.

You'd probably lose that bet.

REAAAALY think you would.

    My point isn't that such things do not exist, but instead that ranting and raving about how society treats black people as inhuman and how wrong society is will fix nothing, accomplish nothing, and lead to a society that is stuck in a ditch while yelling at each other.

Alright, well you've bitched enough. What's your idea of fixing and accomplishing things, Bio? The riots aren't enough? The protests aren't enough? Asking to be treated like an equal, to not get stopped for walking, or eating, or breathing while Black, that's too much for you? It doesn't accomplish anything? Then what does? Because you need to stop putting the onus of discrimination on the people that have been systematically oppressed.

kleinbl00  ·  3309 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: What Kendrick Lamar, Drake, and Kanye West Say About the Black Experience in America  ·  

    Every person that's stepped up to make change got shot, lol. I've done my part.

    And we are all better off for it. It's why we call them heroes.


I recognize that the costs/benefits analysis of this discussion does not support my efforts in answering you, but I'm going to try.

I further recognize that there's likely to be a swamp of death-by-1000-cuts line-by-line parsing so that larger issues can be ignored in favor of minutiae, but I accept that.

In amongst several thousand words of cross-purpose antagonism, there's this shining, rhetorical lodestone that sweeps away all the chaff, all the bluster, all the willfully ignorant sophistry so I'm gonna fish it out, run it under the tap and put it under the light because by damn, you might just understand.

HERE IT IS: The less horrible the majority acts, the fewer heroes the minority has to sacrifice.

You seem quite positive and honorific about the sacrifices oppressed groups have made to lessen their oppression. However, you lack sympathy for the idea that sacrifices should not be required. To you, it's an abstraction: the onus is on the oppressed to rise up and demand their fair share. To 8bit, he's 21 times more likely to get shot by a cop than you.

This accounts for the unsympathetic reception you've received: The white person's role is to accept the mild inconvenience of vigilance towards racism. The black person's role is, according to you, martyrdom. The issue is compounded by the ready evidence of martyrdom amongst the black community and the scarce evidence of its effectiveness. Rodney King was 23 years ago. Detroit was 25 years before that (and then 25 years before that). The Emancipation Proclamation was 150 years ago - your arbitrary cut-off of when we started treating blacks as "human". Yet it's still substantially harder to thrive as a minority in the United States than as the majority.

Minorities definitely serve to benefit the most from equal treatment. From a "rational markets" perspective, the onus of transformation is on them. But rational markets are pure evil from an ethical standpoint: if I'm seven times less likely to go to jail and 21 times less likely to get shot over it, isn't the onus on me to do something about it?

Particularly when all I have to do is not be a douche and accept that sometimes I should go out of my way to be sensitive to people different than me? "No process is instant, and no good thing takes no work to achieve." Yes. Absolutely. But holy fuck. There are people in trenches and people in lawn chairs and sometimes it's good for the soul to recognize which one you are and pick up a spade. Or at least grab an extra beer from the fridge if you're going there anyway.