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First of all, great interview. Marlene Zuk is one of my favorite guests you've had thus far based solely on the conversation you two had. This book sounds fascinating and I think theadvancedapes would enjoy it. I had recorded a video cast on running in which cliffelam mentioned that humans are "designed" to outrun any animal in nature. I didn't realize at the time that he was referring to the persistence hunting hypothesis. According to Wikipedia the Kalahari Bushmen are still using this method. -It's amazing what we are capable of. Also, I too have had the experience of taking my dog on a run only to have him look at me half way through as if to say, "dude, are you seriously going to keep going?"

It's an interesting observation that we can never truly be "in tune" because our environment as well as ourselves are in a constant state of flux. There is no "pause button" and if there is, I surely don't want to hit it, I rather enjoy existing.
