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hootsbox  ·  4021 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Experience Says It All

Actually, I believe that the "right to choose" has cheapened the general view of human life. I have yet to have a "pro-choicer" tell me when the right time is for one individual human being to be able to choose whether or not another individual human being has the right to have their life "terminated". A woman may be the "host" by nature, but the fetus is an entirely distinct human (not an appendage of a woman's body) with their own genetic markers, distinct DNA patterns, and their own "identity". When do I have the right to choose whether they live or not! Many people site medical reasons, but that is rubbish; most are done for "convenience" including partial birth abortions (very few are medically necessary). All this does "cheapen" the view of the sanctity of life and the individual. It has everything to do with why someone is able to take another's life without thought (mental health excluded and there are many more instances of murder for anger reasons and such). Why would I kill someone for their "Nike" tennis shoes? It is easier if I don't view there life as the pinnacle of sanctity and value. However, murder has been with us since the beginning of documented time, and the source comes from a nature (all mankind is born with it) that is basically selfish in focus (we learn to be unselfish). No legislation can stop it; only a redemptive effort and transformation or laws based in, in our case historically, Judeo-Christian rule of law developed mainly in England prior to the founding of the USA.