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AlderaanDuran  ·  4023 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Reading The News Is Bad For You (Not Reading Will Make You Happier)

Like TNG said...

    There's not a lot of "news" on Hubski.

This is one of the reasons I like it here, and deleted my Reddit account over a year ago. Reddit is all flash of the moment news, current events, calls to action, politics, and outrage that lasts a week. It was frustrating and kind of unhealthy. There's SOME news here, and I've posted maybe 1 or 2 links of it, but for the most part it seems like mostly positive things get posted here. Me, for example, I mostly just post space/science articles I find interesting. There's a lot of long and in-depth reads that get posted here and I love that. I'd rather read 20 pages about economics and a post-work world theories, than 3 paragraphs about what some republican said about abortion/gays/rape that doesn't live in my state and doesn't matter to me and pretend to be mad. It's pointless.

I like it here, specifically because it's not all "Obama did this, CISPA is back, Republicans are dumb, bad person does bad things to other people, the sky is falling", etc. I peak at Google news maybe once a day for like 15-30 minutes, but mine is mostly customized around science/technology/space, but at least I'll know if anything major happens in the news. Otherwise, I really prefer to distance myself from it.

I used to think it matter, or that being well read on current events on news made me "smart", but in hindsight I don't feel that way anymore. It just made me a little less happy, and took up time that I could be doing more positive things with instead of reading about the 105th threatening statement from North Korea this month.

I do however, absolutely LOVE my "Southern Suburbs Sun" that I get here where I live, it's literally just stuff from my local city and it's surrounding area, and mostly about new city codes, events, meetings going on, municipal politics, and things that might ACTUALLY effect me as a resident and tax payer.

Otherwise, if anything REALLY important or groundbreaking or life threatening happens... I'm sure I'll find out about it somewhere without constantly hitting refresh on news sites all day...

Also, I found the top comment on that article hilarious...

    As I have said several times, I read none of them. Too partisan. Better up to date news available electronically.

Says the guy reading a news article on The Guardian... and follows it up with...

    Radio, television, internet are better media than newspapers. That was my point.
