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UserSince1996  ·  4598 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Life in the Quiet Zone
Yeah it's always sad to see radical members of a group discredit the entire premise. Environmentalism has always had this problem, along with many other isms.... but the worst has got to be health.

Nutrition, for example, is so obviously a vital part of health. This everyone agrees on it. But people have seen so much hogwash come from the "nutritional gurus" that even a scientifically sound book, such as The China Study, will initially only be lumped in with all the crap.

Holistic medicine seems to have this problem as well... a lot of people seem to equate it with homeopathy. Maybe because they both begin with an "h" and are propounded by hippy-dippy types? 'Tis a shame, for when you look at what holistic medicine really is, there's nothing wrong with it, and you'd expect the so-called skeptics to actually be strong supporters.