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thenewgreen  ·  4600 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Life in the Quiet Zone
First off, midwives rule. Secondly, I can see how "what do you got" wouldn't be the place I would want to start my doctor-patient relationship. -It's a shame too because naturopathy is a great discipline. It's my opinion, and the opinion of my wife (she's an MD) that proper health-care requires a combined approach between naturopathy and western medicine. We don't think there needs to be a conflict between the two, they need to be more closely integrated.

"telling someone to "do something" for their health often has a greater impact than "doing something to them" does and often, the more that is required of the patient, the greater the impact". -Agreed. The problem is that people tend to know what they should be doing but refuse to do so. -But this is another WHOLE can of worms :)

I'd be interested in hearing more about naturopathy. Perhaps as we interact on hubski, I'll have cause to ask some questions. Hope you don't mind.

But seriously... midwives rule!