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thenewgreen  ·  400 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Prompt: Write a post about watchmaking for Hubski in the style of @kleinbl00

To narrow down the difference between what GPT writer vs. kleinbl00‘s writing as needing more fucks, is a gross simplification. I chose kb for a few reasons.

1. He has his own style/voice. You know it when you read it.

2. He is prolific. AI should be able to find a lot of references

3. He can deep dive into topics. I chose watches because there is likely a plethora of info he’s written here on the topic.

Where did GPT go wrong? I think it’s far too simple and straight forward. KB would use metaphor, real life anecdotes etc to make his point. Cursing? Sure but usually to better effect. I’m not convinced the AI has any idea of KB’s writing here. I was hoping it would have been more true to form. Bummer. AI fail.