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Devac  ·  840 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Pubski: January 5, 2022

Day by day, I'm inching myself toward finishing the thesis draft, REPLing progress through my adviser twice a week. Simultaneously, I have two other huge projects. There's a whole list of PMs, emails and responses here I'm yet to return to, and it seems unlikely to happen until April. Sorry about that, but I'd rather put some time aside to address them in a less frantic-eclectic style of past few months.

Overall, though, I feel great. This is the first winter in nearly a decade that I didn't spent surfacing briefly from increasingly heavier, lethargic states for a week or two of, ya know, having energy to do anything. Combined with blue lights everywhere, it's really working for me.