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ButterflyEffect  ·  895 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Pubski: November 10, 2021

Well, except no, booking vacations out 9 months in advance? Sure. Okay, I'm going to go climb <mountain here> and now it's a week out and the weather is horrible, or glacier conditions or rock conditions suck due to seasonal/weather patterns from earlier in the season. So, great, I booked way out. But now it's not going to happen but the team is available the following weekend - am I going to keep the original dates or take a day or two the next week? I'm going to take a day or two the next week...unless there's a major deadline, executive review, etc. I do have some priorities ;)

I'm not talking about a week at a time, but I am talking about 1-2 days around the weekend. If it's that impactful that I am shifting around a couple of days then I need to look at why does that matter so much? And if I got fired for it while still delivering results? Then I'm not the right cultural fit anyway.

Having one of those weeks/months where I'm back in the "is this worth it mode"? Because I make a lot of money, I can't afford a house, I won't be able to afford a house anytime soon, we're in shoulder season, my knee hurts, and no, it doesn't feel bohemian to me. There is no virtue in it, but what I'd like to ask you is:

How do you know that's not life with alpinism/mountaineering/ski touring? This isn't like a race where there's a date, there's a deadline, you train against it, and you're done. It's a cycle, it's heavily dictated by weather and conditions to be possible, safe, and enjoyable, and look, I'm entitled to my time off. And so is everyone else.