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kleinbl00  ·  952 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Are We Wearing the Wrong Masks?

Fuck this study and fuck this guy.

Some of us had to rig shit out of furnace filters because you couldn't even buy fabric.

Some of us had to give half our masks to our competitors or they would have had nothing.

Six cents for washable surgical masks is great... If you can get them. If not? Putting a fucking gaiter on at least makes the antivax nightmare constantly pulling it on and off her nose think about hwr goddamn breathing.

Had a bleeder last week. 3 liters. She spent four days in the hospital while they buttressed her up with iron injections and glucose. "But wait!" You say. "She lost three goddamn liters! Why aren't they transfusing her?"

because they don't have the blood to spare.

So sure. Shit on the only fucking option again. After all, you probably have PostMates bring your groceries to your door and it's all so deliciously academic.

Cuz what I really need? Is a half dozen shrieking harpies a day arguing with my receptionist about which masks work.

You wanna know why people are eating horse dewormer? One goddamn misunderstood study.