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b_b  ·  1377 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Do Progressives Have a Free Speech Problem?

I despise Michelle Goldberg with all my heart and soul. I think her whole job is to take liberal controversies and squeeze them through the NYT's banality filter, wrap it up in pseudo-intellectual, but still relatable, language and then claim all the twitter accolades she can handle. She is oh so worried about "cancel culture" now when she was one of the loudest voices calling for Al Franken to resign because of literal, actual, verifiable right wing lies, because it was more important to her to be "on the right side of history" than to actually consider a source. Not sure how she still has a job. This op-ed would have read as somewhat reasonable to me despite some of the problems you point out were it not penned by her.