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kleinbl00  ·  1517 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Cults and Conservatives Spread Coronavirus in South Korea

It feels like 2005 to me.

People were largely fine with Bush because he told us to go shopping, he gave us someone to blame and he Accomplished the Mission. And then the Superdome became Thunderdome and all of a sudden the country started to realize that the emperor had no clothes.

The Republican Party has been pretty much owning the libs for three and a half years. That's been their agenda. That and claiming they don't work for Russia and that everything terrible happening in government is a liberal conspiracy because unless you're a farmer it hasn't been directly fucking with your life.

This is kind of the first real instance where the Trump administration has to govern and everyone capable of governing has left the building, either voluntarily or forceably. Not to be alarmist, but this is pretty much what happened to Venezuela, albeit on a much greater scale: when you trade competence for fealty you simply lack the ability to deal with challenges.