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tacocat  ·  1827 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Pubski: April 24, 2019

I'm firmly in the don't wash your jeans until they stand up and ask for voting rights camp. Longtime pubskivites who somehow remember the ex girlfriend I lived with might be surprised to learn that we got in an argument and she stopped talking to me briefly over wearing pants for more than one day and it wasn't even about hygiene, but a much stupider issue.

I don't think your schedule is really feasible though because of visible stains. I've worn jeans for several months but a lot of times you get something on them and have to wash them. My current jeans have a permanent ink stain it seems but get some salad dressing on them and I'm definitely going to wash them instead of walking around with what looks like a cum stain on my pants