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I think Trump's a little late with his soft coup attempt.

Team Mueller is Holding ‘Dozens of Sealed Indictments,’ According to Intel Source (only the last paragraph has new information):

    When Mueller informs the public of more indictments is an open question. That they are coming, however, is not. And there are lots of them. The Special Counsel has been at work for almost 18 months now. An Intelligence Community official who assisted the Special Counsel’s investigation told me this week that Team Mueller is holding “dozens of sealed indictments” of people associated with the president, his 2015-16 campaign, and his administration. “Nobody who’s close to the Russians is getting out of this,” said the IC official. When will those indictments start being unsealed? Watch this space.

I thought that sounded too good to true, but it's from the New York Observer, not only a reputable(-ish?) news source that typically leans toward the right, but is owned by Jared Kushner. The author's a former NSA analyst, ex-counterintel officer, etc., but eh, the piece is labeled "opinion".

Meanwhile, nothing we didn't know though, really.