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mk  ·  4241 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Why is there no way to have multiple tags for a post?

Tags (and the single tag) are one of the biggest points of debate here. I refer to it as the third rail of Hubski.

rk might have first posted this question some time ago.

It's a conversation that has returned many times since.

It's proabably fair to say that I've been unreasonably stubborn when it comes to expanding tags, primarily because I think they are an awful mechanism for categorization. There are a lot of reasons why, and as a result, I've put it on the user to follow those tags that he/she thinks might be relevant to catch what they think might be interesting.

That said, my thinking on it has evolved some, and I am starting to seriously wonder if an option for up to two tags would be an improvement.