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OftenBen  ·  2187 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Some thoughts on discussion, opinion and spaces

    Sometimes the goal of debate is just to deepen our connection with the other person not necessarily change their mind.

I wanted to keep this discussion abstract and I find myself incapable. Excuse me.

To use a stupid example, what do I gain from a deeper connection to a flat earther?

To use a not-stupid example, what do I gain from a deeper connection to someone who has taken a principled stand against women's access to safe, legal abortions? This hypothetical person understands the public health argument, understands that if abortion is made illegal more people end up dying in back rooms, and doesn't care because they see abortion as a violent moral wrong. What benefit is there in connecting more with this person when all relevant information on the topic has been exchanged?