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user-inactivated  ·  2205 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Geoengineer polar glaciers to slow sea-level rise

I really appreciate the perspective. I can't say I agree 100%, but I also don't think I know enough or can speak well enough to explore the issue deeply without resulting in quibbling. You did remind me of an opinion piece I read earlier this week, The problem with utopias, that you might find interesting. I think the one thing we can resoundingly agree on is this . . .

    There's no algorithm for humanity. It's up to you and me to decide what's right and wrong.

I think no matter how we decide to govern ourselves and what those systems end up looking like and how they work, if we don't govern with our commitment to humanity in mind, the results always end up being disastrous.