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kleinbl00  ·  2309 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: The Two-Board Knot: Zoning, Schools, and Inequality

    As far as giving control to the federal government goes I can only pray it never happens.

What, exactly, would you call No Child Left Behind?

The system we have right now is the worst of both worlds - federally mandated performance, local funding. About ten percent of school money comes from the feds. Looking at that solid lump at the bottom you'd think things were proportional. They aren't.

At the same time, It's clearly not just about money. When you've got a mishmash of federal, state and local sources (of which federal is the smallest) you get a bunch of differing priorities. You "teach the controversy." You blow $1.3b on iPads.