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FirebrandRoaring  ·  2331 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Pubski: December 6, 2017

I'm supplying a small community game giveaway, meant to go through December till Christmas.

At one point, I'd found myself with a big number of keys that I'm never going to use from Humble Bundles. An acquaintance of mine — a game tradesman by night — had decided to give one of his game keys away. I saw the message on the server and decided to double the reward from my own stash. Then two other persons joined with the same game, making it a quadruple giveaway. I looked at my keys list and told the guy: "I'm all in. Make it a month-long thing".

He's so excited to see his small act of kindness grow exponentially within the day. Now, he writes giant announcement posts for each giveaway as if he's giving away Fallout 4s, even if it's Ultimate Chicken Horse. It's a joy to see someone being so happy — more so since I made a contribution to that, no matter how small.

I'm starting to figure Rosa out, slowly and steadily. Can't share much just yet: idea in the baking.