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oyster  ·  2480 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: How the growth of E-commerce is shifting retail jobs

They're still kicking because you're still kicking. They don't have another generation of people who grew up with sears being relevant. I have one memory of looking through the sears catalog in a hospital, maybe if I had more of those I would feel some sort of nostalgia for sears but I know like one person my age who does. I don't even care much about The Bay, it used to be the first door you reached from the bus station at the mall that you went through to get to the rest of the mall. I went through that place as fast as possible because of the perfume counter. These are my memories of department stores, getting away from them and their stink.

Very little they've done targeted my generation and now that we aren't irrelevant 12 year old's they realized they needed to shift their brand to get a new following of shoppers. Opening a pop up store where they barely admit they are sears and have the slogan we've changed just seems like to much of a desperate "please love me" thing.

I have a great dislike for corporations because they are so out of touch with what everybody wants. We didn't want Canadian Tire to stop the commercials we all laughed at !