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AnSionnachRua  ·  2492 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Pubski: June 28, 2017


I'm not sure if it counts, but I've started reading again after having Gafa sitting by my bedside for about two months, with my bookmark comfortably enclosed at page 10. It's in Irish, so it's a lot harder to approach at the end of the day. I've started reading Pride and Prejudice, which I'm finding hilarious and I'm not sure if it's supposed to be or not.


Finally got over that hacking cough that was nagging me for several weeks. I need to quit smoking, but unfortunately a guy I know got me cheap tobacco from Spain, and I'm hardly going to throw it away...


I'm a little troubled by recent... stirrings. I have this friend, see? (This is about to become very clichéd.) I've very recently started to feel something or other toward a friend of mine. I think. I'm not quite sure. We've been friends for years, and I've occasionally felt a little attracted to her, but always in a fairly superficial way, and one that, to be quite frank, I feel toward all of my attractive female friends. But now I don't know. It could be the beginning of infatuation. It worries me for all of the classic "friendzone" reasons. Fortunately there's no need for me to do anything about it right now, so I'll just see how it works itself out. I wonder - is it because I'm very isolated in my life right now? Is it frustration? Another brief infatuation that will go as fast as it came? If it doesn't fizzle away, I'm kind of fucked. She's my best friend, and we're thinking of maybe living together again some time soonish.


Painting again today and again the Swarfega and handsoap barely managed to get it off. Good news, though, I think; my sister's house is rapidly approaching completion, and I'm about to have a bunch of free time. This partially scares me, though, as I'm only working part-time at the pub and don't want to become a bum. But I will finally have the energy to work on my book properly!