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user-inactivated  ·  2502 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: D.C. and Maryland to sue President Trump, alleging breach of constitutional oath

I wouldn't mind to see that. There are surely a lot of really anti-democrats though. And it wouldn't be as easy as you say for the Dems to be a pro-2A party. Mainly because there is no shortage of easy to use websites that will tell you exactly how a rep or senator has voted on gun rights in the past.

In less than 30 seconds I found this quote on my very own Ann Wagner (not that I would or have voted for her, I respect myself). "...has opposed Obama restrictions on gun control. Supports overturning some bans. She'll oppose new gun control legislation. NRA Grade: A. Brady Grade: NA."

The Dems have dug in hard on gun control and especially the lunatic fringe aren't going to trust them after a couple turkey shoot weekends. Not this generation of them at least. If anything, they'll see that whole operation as a way to get their name on a government list of the lunatic fringe.

I mean, hell. You literally had Democrats just a few months ago willing to completely waive their constitutional rights to due process regarding the gun control for people on the terrorist watchlist. People forget that Nelson Mandela was on the terrrorist watchlist, and Timothy McVeigh wasn't. The terrorist watchlist doesn't mean dick and a half, but if you're on it they gain sweeping access to you for no reason.

The terrorist watchlist has even been used to drum up anti-dem support in the Obama years. Repeatedly. Now that article is nonsense, but people are stupid so...

Then you have people like me, who more than anything see gun control as people control. Who see firearms as the final check against the government. How many gun control proponents have truly considered assassinating the big man at this point? But then they realize that they have no idea how to shoot or even buy a gun, then finally realizing that their state has made it relatively difficult to buy anything that you may need to do it.

And I don't mean to say that we are in any sort of straits which would require that kind of action, nor have we been in the entire time since the Civil War. But at a certain point, a group of idealists is going to get really sick and tired of corportate ownership of the government. And they're going to pop someone's skull open over it. And we'll all likely benefit because people really don't like the feeling of laser sights on their foreheads, even if they're imagining them. It won't be me, of course, I'm a responsible citizen who loves his overlord.