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ButterflyEffect  ·  2780 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: What do you look for in a new (used) car?

A lot of this is due to:

1. Getting annoyed at the things that have stopped working with my car (no airbags is...stressful on I5).

2. Off-roading in the central cascades and wanting something that can take me to some slightly more remote trailheads.

I've started looking into Edmunds and looking in to the bank thing, they pre-approve for a 30-day period and it seems easy to get a good rate considering the last time I was in they asked if I wanted to go through that process right then and there. 6) is great, I haven't thought much about that point, especially driving multiple of the same car.

What was the $9500 car and what was the $32000 car? I have no intention on buying on day one. I have a car that runs, and am not in dire need of a vehicle. It's the same thing with a job, right? The best time to look is when you don't need one.