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user-inactivated  ·  2863 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: The new debt slaves

It's not that simple. I have been job hunting for something better than where I am for about a year and a half now. I have applied to positions for everything from an arborist to HVAC apprentice to drywall to locksmith. My resume is awesome. My cover letters are great. My references are strong. When I do interview, I interview well. The jobs are out there, they are appealing as hell, and people obviously fill the positions cause very few of them get reposted to places like Craigslist and Monster.

Getting those jobs are just as hard as getting jobs that require degrees. Employers are definitely looking for good candidates to fill those positions and not everyone is gonna fit the bill, including me. That is okay. I want these companies to be successful and I want them to hire people they think will best contribute to their success. But to scoff and talk like anyone can get a job like that as easily as they could get a job at a place like McDonald's or Best Buy is being disingenuous to the reality of the situation.