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I dont doubt the switch from Hunter to farmer was traumatic. It gave birth to the Abel (hunter) and Cain (farmer) story. And it is not a nice portrayal of farmers.

The chimps told us, that male dominance dont need farming to occur.

The article pretend we are intelligent because we were a sex-equal species (less inbreeding)

The probelm with the study reside in the way they mesured sex-equality:

Why using the dispersion of family member? That sound like a second level indicator prone to be influenced by other factors (not only sex-equality, but wealth, heat, culture, whatever in fact)

I'd rather have the hunter gathere society being ask question about gender role, and compare that to a poll in a male dominated society, or in Danemark, and see how their responses mesure up.

But I like to believe we are intelligent because we're the only species with a natural sex-equalty.. and a white sclera