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Man. Bad lending practices leading to a troubled economy. The established generation holding onto the good jobs. Stagnant wages. Japan sounds a bit like America in that sense. I know stereotypically, Japan is a bit xenophobic, but maybe they really ought to consider trying to change some policies to attract immigrants if they could actually make a difference.

I don't know how to look up most of this stuff, but it seems like not all of Japan's businesses are struggling. According to the ticker on Google, Fuji Heavy Industries has been growing steady in stock price over the past five years. Honda, Toyota, Sony, and Mitsubishi are a bit like roller coasters (though if I had money and a time machine, I'd have bought some Toyota stock in 2012). Takata's stock? They're in the tank at this point. In a little over two years, it's worth 10% of it's peak price of 3,200 Yen in Jan of 2014. I wonder if it'll go lower . . .