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grisanik  ·  3045 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Argument from authority

Let's start from the bottom, on the same page there is a link:


Basically, regarding the “cold” fusion no one really knows similar like with the Em Drive or gravity or dark energy/matter. I will write sometime in future a separate article about our perception (just conceptual thinking I am far from being physicist) about our understanding of the room temperature and on the other hand what may be happening within the material).

Regarding “Argument from authority” my point is that we are rallying on trust, and trust is all we have, and personally trust is not enough. Science should be about evidence, and questioning everything all the time. As most of us do not have time or/and money/resources to study/test everything we rely on “common sense” that tells us we should believe people with “more knowledge”. But what if those people are just very good at faking, as you already pointed?

Most of the time we do not know is “our” authority person really right or not, we just accept things for granted, because they have "more" knowledge. For instance there is about dozen quantum theories, because no one knows what is exactly going on, they have to give something in order to justify money they are spending.

Entire article is not something where I am saying, “look guys this is solution”, I am more saying something like “Hmm guys this is strange what do you think about this?”

So, thank you for your thoughts!