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thenewgreen  ·  4355 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Your Tax Dollars Hard at Work
In the preamble to the Constitution it clearly states that one of the purposes for creating it was to promote the general Welfare. For the well-being of our nation, I think it would be wise to eradicate the HUGE number of unwanted pregnancies in the US. We can make a dent in this number by providing free contraception as well as educating young people as to how to use it and what the consequences of not using it are.

I'm not interested in getting in to a debate with you about how your hippy generation embraced marxism and how the US is now heading down a dangerous path of socialism and if the people would just lift themselves up from their boot straps like so many great immigrants....

I am interested in what you would do to curb unwanted pregnancies? I know abortion is off the table. Are you tired of paying to perpetuate the cycle of welfare? Me too, let's reduce the population that's on welfare by helping the people that can't afford to have kids, not have kids. Let's also reform the welfare system and make it one of enablement and not reliance. In short, let's treat the symptoms and the cause like any good doctor would.